Engine Blocks

The cleanliness of an engine, inside and out affects not only how it looks, but also how it performs.

Vapour Blasting offers a cost effective, and quick solution to gently clean and repair the surface of engine blocks and surrounding components. Surface damage caused by corrosion in its early stages can be prevented, and in some cases treated via vapour blasting.

It is essential that all engine blocks are entirely dismantled prior to being vapour blasted, to prevent the slurry mixture from entering the internal cavities of engines, which may prevent any natural movements, and can cause internal damage. Once blocks are dismantled, this allows all components to be individually treated and cleaned, ensuring a finish of the highest standard.

We will return engines entirely dismantled, with all parts individually cleaned and treated, to look as new, ready for reassembly.

At Sydney Vapour Blasting, you can be confident that your components are being refurbished by qualified automotive restoration specialists.